Craig R. Kelso

Thursday, February 07, 2019

What I Think About President Trump

I want to write a piece about what my attitude is about President Donald Trump. I voted for Trump, even though he was not the person among the Republican candidates who I wanted to be the nominee. It was an interesting and unusual phenomenon that allowed him to become President. But there was so much distrust in Washington that he was elected. Neither the Democrats nor Republicans were doing what a large portion of the people wanted them to do. Hillary Clinton would have been an extension of the Obama agenda, and Republicans were not doing enough to stand up to President Obama’s agenda. So, Trump won out.

 I have never defended President Trump when people attack him. He is an unlikable person. He has a shady if not immoral past. I often say to people “Trump is an asshole, but he gets things done!” People forget why he was elected. He was elected because people wanted someone other than a run-of-the-mill politician.

Trump is a boisterous, pompous and arrogant person. He was a successful businessman who didn’t need to become President to be fulfilled. When a person reaches a certain level of success and observes a need in another area, they have the confidence to believe,” I think I might be able to fix that!” Trump has just that kind of confidence and arrogance. He didn’t become President to become rich. He was already rich. Even if I don’t approve of his personality, I believe it is a noble thing that he is doing.

Compare Trump to the politicians in Washington, like Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi started her political career in 1976 and has been in Congress since 1987. She’s made a lot of money being a politician. She likes having power. Trump didn’t need power. He believed that he could change things in Washington and get some things done that have needed to be done; that the people who elected him think need to be done.

I watched the State of the Union (SOTU) last Tuesday night. President Trump delivered a good speech. He boasted, as is his way, but he has accomplished a lot of what he was elected to do. These are his top 10 accomplishments in 2018 according to Real Clear Politics: Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, Confronting China, Middle-Class Wages Rise, U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Deal, Ending the Iran Nuclear Deal, Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, Smashing the ISIS Caliphate and Exiting Syria, Increasing Minority Jobs, Holding the Line with Migrant Caravans, Record American Oil Production. I would include decreasing government regulation and eliminating the ACA mandate to the list of his major accomplishments.

People who dislike Trump may not like him as a person. I can’t say I do either. But I do like what he is doing. Democrats don’t like what he is doing because it doesn’t fit with their agenda, which is to be in power at all costs. I have learned from my own experience that the attitude of Democrats is: People are too stupid to know what is good for them, so let’s gain control of everything and we will force them to do what they won’t do for themselves.


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