Craig R. Kelso

Friday, November 05, 2021

Trump/Biden/Pope Francis

 The only thing that you can "reasonably" blame on Donald Trump is losing the 2020 Presidential election.

Other than that, almost everything else that is going wrong in our country is the fault of Joe Biden.

Quote of the day, "Biden is an overachiever when it comes to doing damage to his own country."

Chris Salcedo 11/4/21

You might think that I am one of a few that thinks this way, but I am part of a large majority of Americans:

I'm praying for both of these men:

I was very confused when Pres.Biden met with Pope Francis. Biden said that Pope Francis called him a good Catholic and that he should continue to receive Communion. The day after their meeting, Pres. Biden received Communion at St. Patrick's in Rome. If you are not a Catholic, you are probably asking yourself, "What's the big deal?" It means that one or both of these men are not following the teaching of the Catholic Church! Not sure about what's going on.


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