Environmentalists vs God
I recently read an
exposé about environmental concerns in the 1st chapter of a book called The Humanure Handbook. It's has some funny stuff in it, like tips from Tommy Turd. The author makes an analogy between human beings and pathogenic organisms. Pathogenic organisms depend on a host organism like humans depend on planet earth. Often times, pathogenic organisms feed off the host like humans use the earth's resources. Pathogenic organisms will multiply and create waste to the point where the host organism dies. Human beings, especially those in the United States, are using the earth's resources at an unsustainable rate and are irresponsible about waste products, similar to pathogenic organisms. And, the world's populations is nearing a critical mass. Also, the human body has defense mechanisms, like elevated temperature, to enable itself to fight off pathogenic organisms.The author suggests that global warming may be a similar defense.
Environmentalists warn that the irresponsible actions of humans may lead to their own extinction. Therefore, we should become more responsible. The problem with environmentalists is that they not only preach that people need to be more responsible, they want to enact laws forcing people to be more responsible. In other words, people are too stupid to do what is best for the planet, so let's make laws that force them to do what is right. In short, more government control. An extreme case of this kind of thinking is the subject of Glen Beck's book entitled Agenda 21. I know, Beck is an extremist, but Agenda 21 is not fiction, it is a real proposal of the United Nations. The Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) has pieces of it that reflect environmental extremism; the abortion mandate. This is an attempt to control population growth, which goes way back to a fellow named Thomas Malthus. Mathus predicted,in the 1700s, that population growth would eventually outpace food production, which would create mass starvation.
I am a Catholic Christian, so I believe in God. One problem with environmentalists is that they make Mother Earth their God, and themselves her priests. Environmentalists don't believe in a Creator: a God who created the earth as well as the rest of the universe; a God who planned it all out - the beginning and the end. Yes, there will be an end to our time on earth. God knows our nature, he created us. It could be that, knowing human nature, He knew/knows where mankind would/will end up. That is why He planned for a new world for us. Envronmentalists cannot accept that outcome, so they are attempting to change the course of human history, by force.
I am doing my best to be environmentally responsible, and I know that I could do more. But, I do not like the idea of being forced to do the right thing. Also, there is no way that some countries, like Iran, China, and Russia, are going to cooperate with Agenda 21. They will wait patiently for us to weaken ourselves and then take advantage of our weakness. They won't be worried about the environment.
Environmentalists believe that they can change the course of human history by gaining control of governments and mandating human behavior.
They are wrong, that will result in an authoritarian government.
Environmentalists warn that the irresponsible actions of humans may lead to their own extinction. Therefore, we should become more responsible. The problem with environmentalists is that they not only preach that people need to be more responsible, they want to enact laws forcing people to be more responsible. In other words, people are too stupid to do what is best for the planet, so let's make laws that force them to do what is right. In short, more government control. An extreme case of this kind of thinking is the subject of Glen Beck's book entitled Agenda 21. I know, Beck is an extremist, but Agenda 21 is not fiction, it is a real proposal of the United Nations. The Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) has pieces of it that reflect environmental extremism; the abortion mandate. This is an attempt to control population growth, which goes way back to a fellow named Thomas Malthus. Mathus predicted,in the 1700s, that population growth would eventually outpace food production, which would create mass starvation.
I am a Catholic Christian, so I believe in God. One problem with environmentalists is that they make Mother Earth their God, and themselves her priests. Environmentalists don't believe in a Creator: a God who created the earth as well as the rest of the universe; a God who planned it all out - the beginning and the end. Yes, there will be an end to our time on earth. God knows our nature, he created us. It could be that, knowing human nature, He knew/knows where mankind would/will end up. That is why He planned for a new world for us. Envronmentalists cannot accept that outcome, so they are attempting to change the course of human history, by force.
I am doing my best to be environmentally responsible, and I know that I could do more. But, I do not like the idea of being forced to do the right thing. Also, there is no way that some countries, like Iran, China, and Russia, are going to cooperate with Agenda 21. They will wait patiently for us to weaken ourselves and then take advantage of our weakness. They won't be worried about the environment.
Environmentalists believe that they can change the course of human history by gaining control of governments and mandating human behavior.
They are wrong, that will result in an authoritarian government.