Craig R. Kelso

Monday, September 13, 2021

U.S. Supreme Court

Is the U.S. Supreme Court influenced by politics? My answer is, Yes!
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett recently gave a speech at the McConnell Center in Kentucky. (link to an article below):

Barrett concerned about public perception of Supreme Court (

Barrett spoke at length about her desire for others to see the Supreme Court as nonpartisan.

If the Supreme Court is not biased, why is it that, when there are more liberal justices on the Court, more liberal decisions come out of the Court, and vice versa. Why is there such a "big stink" whenever justices are nominated by a conservative president or vice versa. President Trump was able to get three justices put on the Court and liberals went batshit crazy!

Supposedly, the Court has 6 conservative and 3 liberal justices, but it's really 5-4. John Roberts has sided with liberals on most of his decisions.